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  • Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali

Olive cultivation: the Crop Science Research Center (CSRC) of the Sant'Anna School participates in the Planet O-live Academy, a scientific committee to encourage more sustainable agricultural practices

The initiative is promoted by Costa d'Oro and brings together academic experts, selected agricultural realities and sector associations

Publication date: 18.11.2022
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The Crop Science Research Center (CSRC) of the Sant'Anna School joins the scientific committee "Planet O-live Academy", starting with the 2022-2023 olive oil campaign. The initiative is promoted by the Costa d'Oro company and aims to encourage the spread of more environmentally friendly agricultural practices, towards a perspective of sustainability and circularity while maintaining the high standards of product quality. Universities, selected agricultural realities and sector associations, such as Assoprol and Confagricoltura, are participating in the project.

The academic component is represented by the Sant'Anna School with Luca Sebastiani, professor of Horticultural Sciences at the Crop Science Research Center, with the role of involving a selection of olive producers in order to promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural solutions and practices, along with the University of Perugia, which is participating in the project with Maurizio Servili, professor of Food Science and Technology, who will be responsible for proposing circular economy solutions for what concerns product waste from olive mills.